The Future of CNC Manufacturing Education – CNC Manufacturing, Education Reform & Change Management News.

[Part 2] Schools “have no money”: Who to blame?

Posted by Bert Maes on September 18, 2009

Every day, schools want FREE stuff from me. They say they “have no money”.

Who to blame? Governments?? Read my opinion on that HERE

Who else to blame? School administrators??

Ben ChavisBen Chavis is quite fierce in his CNN commentary:

I believe all the money in the world would not be enough to improve schools run by incompetent public school administrators. We need proven leaders…

I can follow Mr. Chavis. School principals are often “very good at spending money; what they are not so good at is spending it well.

However, I’m convinced that schools are “not wasting money deliberately, but I think what they miss is :

1)     Focused, well targeted and well planned investments

2)     Proper value for money

3)     Implementation of new programs (not cover old programs)

4)     All based on a serious review of what really matters in a school:

– develop young people
– unlock their full potential to meet the needs of society
– quality and effective delivery of teaching and learning
– creating and sharing knowledge
– teacher’s motivation and development,…

5)     and based on the right projects/products/industries/needs/hopes/future scenarios in the local (business) community.

Monday PART 3 on this blog: I believe that schools will get the money they need, when they decide to…

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